
Friday, July 3, 2020

The Monster Under My Bed -

There is a large hairy monster under my bed and I can prove it, at night it makes yowling and growling noises. "yuuggaahhh ouargg!" It gropes around with it's long bony fingers for stuff to bite, rip and chew. It doesn't know I'm there... yet, sometimes it climbs out from under my bed and clambers out my open window to hunt for animals to eat it's victims bones go crunch and crack like crackers and I catch a glimpse of greasy matted yellow fur and muscular limbs. When it finishes hunting it makes some grunting noises and and clambers back under my bed, "umpf umpf" like a Hippo.

The monster lives under Lily's bed, she is a ten year old girl with a very kind heart. She has blond hair and loves carrots. One day she said to her mum, "mum, there's a monster under my bed."
"don't be silly" said her mum "there's no monster under your bed." Lily tried to protest.
"but mum" Lily pleaded "there really is a monster under my bed! believe me mu-"
"Lily! I have no time for nonsense, these days I am a very busy women!". At bedtime she sneaked into bed and hid under the blankets. A few minutes later the monster started to stir, it slid out from under the bed and climbed out of the window and into the night...

Later that night Lily woke to the sound of the monster returning from it's hunt, it climbed through the window and under my bed. At last the morning came and she sneaked out of bed and walked into the kitchen. She was going to try and persuade her mum to believe her again. Mum was in the kitchen cooking pancakes, “mum” Lily said angrily
“Will show you the monster!” 
”But honey-” her mother protested but Lily dragged her mum to her room, “now” she commanded “take a look under my bed.” her mum hesitantly looked under the bed… and there was the monster asleep, mum sneaked out of the room timidly and called the police. They had the monster put in a deep slumber with a blow dart and taken away, the end.

My Matariki bag tag...

My design in Tinkercad...

On Tinkercad I made a Matariki bag tag, it was very fun but it took me a lot of time, because it was very delicate and you need to get the size right and everything. The picture above is the Matariki bag tag I made. There are the nine stars of Matariki on it, I hope you like it! and please leave a comment.

My bag tag when printed