
Monday, November 30, 2020

What Is The Purpose Of A Blog Post?

W.A.L.T: Find out the purpose of a blog post and do a blog post on it.

 Purpose of a blog post -
1. To teach others
2. To get feedback
3. To celebrate

It was lot’s of fun and I really enjoyed it.

What is your favorite purpose of a blog post - to teach others, to get feedback or to celebrate?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Amazing Book Club:


The book I am reading is Ordinary Hero and it is a book about a boy called Ryan. He saves a girl called Sonia from a fire then he becomes a hero but  doesn't like the attention. My favourite part of the book so far is the bit where he rescues the girl from the fire.

 A book club is where you have a book that you need to read over 9 days. The first thing you need to is find how many pages to read a day and on the first day you read that amount of pages then you fill in a Ticket To Discussion Day that looks like the picture on the left. The next day each of the people in your group choose a job from the picture below and using the information on the other people in your group's Ticket To Discussion Day tickets fill in the stuff to complete your job and repeat for the next 7 days.

What book would you choose if you did book clubs?

Thank you for reading my blog post! 😄

Friday, November 20, 2020

Epic Polygons

 W.A.L.T: Be able to identify polygons and name them.

The difference between polygons and other shapes are that polygons have straight edges, are closed shapes and are flat shapes. Polygons can be many shapes and sizes. Squares, trapezoids, and rectangles are all polygons.