
Friday, August 21, 2020

My Amazing Dream House:

 W.A.L.T: Find the Area and Perimeter of different shapes

Today I made my dream house, when I was finished I figured out the Area and Perimeter of all the items in my house.

If you make a dream house please publish it to your blog, it will be so cool!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Perimeter And Some Area

 Today in Math we learned about Perimeter and Area, we were in teams I was in a team with Jasmine, Jade and me. This is what we did:

First we had to draw a shape with a perimeter of 24 square units that was different to everyone else in our group -

Then we had to draw the shape with the smallest perimeter and the one with the biggest -

Perfect Perimeter And Amazing Area

W.A.L.T: Find the perimeter and area of different shapes.

Perimeter definition:
The outermost parts or boundary of a object.

Example of Perimeter:


Area definition:
The extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land.
Example of Area:


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

My Amazing Measurement Work

W.A.L.T: learn how to measure.
This week I am learning how to measure, it's been really fun. We had to do lots of activities on the chrome book, the units of measurement are called the Metric System. I enjoyed all of it and I found the measurement quiz challenging.

These are all the units of measurement in the world -
What is your favorite unit of the Metric System?
I would love to hear from you!

Friday, August 7, 2020

The amazing way to turn a big topic into a seed topic -

W.A.L.T: focus on our topic for a information report.
S.C: I turned a watermelon topic into a slice topic then turned it into a seed topic my watermelon was music, my slice was piano and my seed was the song Aunt Rhody.

Turning a watermelon topic into a seed topic is vital for writing an information report, it turns it into a slice topic which a medium size topic and then a seed topic which is a small topic. Seed topics are important for topics that are really big which are watermelon topics, it turns them into seed topic which is small and easy for you to write a information report about that topic.

I found tuning a watermelon topic into a seed topic challenging and I found the template we had to do easier.
Have you written a information report?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Fabulous Holiday Recount

Today is my first day back at school. We shared stories about our winter school holidays and videoed ourselves. In the video Miriam and I are sharing our favorite day in our winter school holiday, mine was when I went to Lake Ohau and found ice 2 centimetres thick!

what is the thickest ice you've seen?
were did you see it?