
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Some Work I Absolutely Love -

W.A.L.T: Create a digital portrait of myself.

Today I created a digital portrait of myself then removed the background using an app called Remove bg and put it in a new google slide. Then I took pictures of all the stuff I like and put the pictures around my digital portrait. I used Sumo Paint to create my portrait and it was really fun, I especially liked the painting bit.

I am really proud of my creation and sometimes it was hard and sometimes it was easy but it was always very fun.

Thanks for reading my blog post, I do hope you leave a comment!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

School Camp, I'm Lovin' It!

 Last week I went to camp Waipara for 3 days. There were 6 activities to do and it was very fun doing them. These are my favourite activities: Air rifles, Raft building and Waterslide & Flying fox.

It was very scary doing Sky sailing but I felt great after wards, I so hope we get to go there again because it was very, very fun especially the raft building.

I hope you like my blog post, bye!

No Timetable!!

 Today I didn't have a timetable. I chose what kaupapa I studied and when I would do study. I thought it was good to have no timetable because it made me feel happier and that was really good because it encouraged me to work harder. I don't think there was anything wrong with it because it really helped me work today. If we get to do this again I would like to change nothing because it was very fun.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

My Meme No.1


Today I made a meme about this whakatauaki to me it means be brave and take any opotunity you get to do something new even if it scares you. It helps you learn and it makes you feel proud.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Karakia -

This week I was learning about karakia. First I made a K.W.L. Chart, K for I know, W for want to know and L for learnt. Then I read the definition of a karakia. After that I read about karakia on a marae. When I had finished that I then began learning about how, when and who can use karakia, this was really interesting because I learnt that karakia are the way people communicate with the maori gods and that anyone can use karakia and that there are karakia for almost everything. Then I completed a form about what I had learnt and choose a karakia I didn't know to learn. After that I worked with a buddy to find out the meaning of my karakia, here it is below. It was really fun translating the karakia, maybe you could do it too!