
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How To Grow Lettuce:


Introduction -

Have you ever wondered how to grow lettuce? Or how to protect your lettuce from birds, bunnies, slugs

and snails?  Well wonder no more! Find all the answers in this text. Enjoy!

Seeds & Their Protection -

First, go out to the shops and buy some lettuce seeds. Then, if you have a greenhouse read the first box,

if not then read the 2nd box.

Get some soil from your garden then get a pot

from your greenhouse and fill it with the soil.

Then, make a small hole in the soil about 3

mm deep with your finger and pop a lettuce

seed into the hole (you can put a few in the

same hole if you like because safety in

numbers applies to plants.) and put it in the

green house. Remember to water every day.

Find a clear spot in your garden and make a

small hole in the soil about 3 mm deep with

your finger and pop a lettuce seed into the

hole. (you can put a few in the same hole if

you like because safety in numbers applies to

plants.) Then, draw a square in the soil with

your finger about the size of an A4 piece of

paper and stab a bamboo stick about 25 cm

tall into the soil in each corner and hang a net

over it. (This protects against bunnies and

birds.) Remember to water every day.

Seedlings & Their Protection -

Once the plant is the size of an adults fist, bring it out of the greenhouse and plant it in the garden and

draw a square in the soil with your finger about the size of an A4 piece of paper and stab a bamboo stick

about 25 cm tall into the soil in each corner and hang a net over it. (The net  protects against bunnies and

birds, for the birds could rip up the seedling in search of food and the bunnies could nibble the seedling

and both of those things could kill the seedling.) If it is already in the garden, leave it there. Now, you

might have a snail and slug problem (you can tell if you have a snail problem by looking out for holes in

the leaves and snail and slugs hiding in the plant in the day and they eat the seedling at night.) So stop

them by putting crushed egg shells, sand or diatomaceous dirt around your seedling. (Remember the

traps won’t last forever so you will have to replace them.) Still water regularly.

Plant -

Once it is 5 inches tall you can take the net away if there are no bunnies nearby (it is too big to be eaten

by birds but bunnies can still eat it.) and you can stop watering daily if you want, it doesn't matter whether

you stop too soon or too late, but remember to water it if it wilts. (You can tell it is wilting by looking out for

the leaves drooping, stems bending and the plant going floppy. It wilts when you replant it, but you don’t

need to water it then.) Still keep putting crushed egg shells, sand or diatomaceous dirt around your plant,

because if your plant gets eaten too much and dies you will have to start all over again.

Summary -

So that's how you protect your lettuce from birds, bunnies, slugs and snails and how you grow lettuce, the perfect plant for starting your garden. They also are in many recipes, including soups, salads and tacos. The perfect lettuce should have a vivid color, the leaves should be firm and there are so many different types of lettuce which all have different flavors there is not one that is the best: Crisp, mild, buttery, soft, peppery and many more.

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